Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Benefits of Attending an All-Girls School
The Benefits of Attending an All-Girls' School Not every student can excel in a coeducational classroom, and thats why many students opt for single-sex schools. When it comes to girls, in particular, these important developmental years can be greatly enhanced by attending the right school. So, what are the benefits of attending a girls school? Why should your daughter attend a girls school instead of a coed school? Girls Schools Empower Students to Excel Many girls cannot achieve their full potential in a coeducational school. With the impact of peer pressure and the perceived need to conform to popular opinion and thinking, including the desire to be accepted, can all impact girls. These are just some of the reasons which make many girls suppress their own personalities and individuality in a coed academic setting. Left to their own devices in a single-sex environment, girls are oftenà more likely to take on challenging math and science subjects and engage wholeheartedly in serious sports - all things girls arent supposed to like. Competition is a Good Thing Girls will ignore gender stereotypes and develop their competitive side more fully in a single-sex academic setting. There are no boys to impress, no boys to compete for between other girls. They dont have to worry about being called tomboys. Their peers understand whats happening. Everybody feels comfortable being themselves. Laying Foundations for Leadership Women have made significant advances in the leadership arena. Hilary Clinton ran for the office of President of the United States. Clinton, Madeleine Albright, and Condoleezza Rice have been Secretary of State. Golda Meir was Premier of Israel. Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of England and so on. Carleton Fiorina was CEO of Hewlett-Packard. These excellent achievements notwithstanding, women still find it difficult rising to senior positions in any endeavor. Why? Because girls lack inspiring role models and appealing presentation of critical subjects like math, technology and science which give men the competitive edge in their career paths. Skilled teachers who understand girls and the way they learn can kindle a girls interest in non-traditional subjects. They can encourage a young lady to dream outside of the box and want a career as a captain of industry as opposed to just being a teacher or a nurse. Girls at Single-Sexà Schools are More Likely to Excel at Athletics Its true, and theresà researchà to support this finding. Middle school girls are more likely to engage in competitive athletics than their peers atà coedà schools. A single-sex environment often feels empowering to students, especially girls, and encourages them to try new things. When boys arent around, girls are more likely to take a risk and try something new.à Girls Schools are Inspirational Learning and Living Environments Until youve actually spent time at an all-girls school, its hard to fully appreciate the environment of encouragement and inspiration that is created. When a school is limited to only educating girls, the pedagogy changes, and the science behind how a female brain works and how girls grow and mature all become part of the core educational paths set forth for students. Students report feeling more free to speak and express themselves, which leads to a stronger development of a love of learning.à Girls Schools may Offer More Opportunities to Succeed According to the National Coalition of Girls Schools, nearly 80% of girls school students report feeling challenged to the point of achieving their full potential, and more than 80% of graduates from all-girls schools report that they consider their academic performance as highly successful. Students enrolled in these single-sex environments also report having more confidence than their peers at coeducational institutions. Some even report that their college professors can spot an all-girls school graduate. An all-girls school can help your daughter be all she can be simply by encouraging and nurturing her. Everything is possible. Nothing is off limits. Resources Find Girls Schools here.The National Association For Single Sex Public Education enriches the debate with some compelling research.The Bromley Brook School for Girls makes a great case in its Philosophy article. Article edited byà Stacy Jagodowski
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A Chronology of the Stone Age
A Chronology of the Stone Age The Stone Age in human prehistory also referred to as the Paleolithic Period, is the period between about 2.7 million and 10,000 years ago. Youll see different dates for the starting and ending dates of the Paleolithic periods, in part because were still learning about these ancient occurrences. The Paleolithic is the time when our species Homo sapiens,à developed into the human beings of today. The people who study the past of humans are called archaeologists. Archaeologists study the recent past of our planet and the evolution of physical human beings and their behaviors. Those archaeologists who study the very earliest human beings specialize in the Paleolithic; scientists who study the periods prior to the Paleolithic are paleontologists. The Paleolithic period begins in Africa with the earliest human-like behaviors of crude stone tool manufacture about 2.7 million years agoà and ends with the development of fully modern human hunting and gathering societies. Domestication of plants and animals marks the beginning of modern human society. Leaving Africa After decades of debate, the majority of scientists are now convinced that our earliest human ancestors evolved in Africa. In Europe, where humans finally arrived after about a million years in Africa, the Paleolithic was marked by a cycle of glacial and interglacial periods, during which time glaciers grew and shrank, covering massive portions of land and forcing a cycle of human depopulation and recolonization. Today scholars divide the Paleolithic into three categories, called Lower Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, and Upper Paleolithic in Europe and Asia; and Early Stone Age, Middle Stone Age and Later Stone Age in Africa. Lower Paleolithic (or Early Stone Age) about 2.7 million-300,000 years ago In Africa, where the earliest humans arose, the Early Stone Age begins some 2.7 million years ago, with the earliest stone tools recognized to date in the Olduvai Gorge of East Africa. These tools were simple fist-sized cores and whole flakes created by two ancient hominids (human ancestors), Paranthropus boisei and Homo habilis. The earliest hominids left Africa about 1.7 million years ago, arriving at sites such as Dmanisi in Georgia, where hominids (probably Homo erectus)à made stone tools suggestive of those from Africa. Human ancestors, as a group, are calledà hominids. The species that evolved in the Lower Paleolithic includeà Australopithecus,à Homo habilis,à Homo erectus,à andà Homo ergaster, among others.à Middle Paleolithic/Middle Stone Age (about 300,000-45,000 Years Ago) The Middle Paleolithic period (ca 300,000 to 45,000 years ago) witnessed the evolution of Neanderthals and the first anatomically and eventually behaviorally modern Homo sapiens. All of the living members of our species, Homo sapiens, are descended from a single population in Africa. During the Middle Paleolithic, H. sapiens first left from northern Africa to colonize the Levant between about 100,000-90,000 years ago, but those colonies failed. The earliest successful and permanent Homo sapiens occupations outside of Africa date to about 60,000 years ago. Achieving what scholars call behavioral modernity was a long, slow process, but some of the first glimmers arose in the Middle Paleolithic, such as the development of sophisticated stone tools, caring for the elderly, hunting and gathering, and some amount of symbolic or ritual behavior. Upper Paleolithic (Late Stone Age) 45,000-10,000 Years Ago By the Upper Paleolithic (45,000-10,000 years ago), the Neanderthals were in decline, and by 30,000 years ago, they were gone. Modern humans spread all over the planet, reaching the Sahul (Australia) about 50,000 years ago, mainland Asia about 28,000 years ago, and finally the Americas, about 16,000 years ago. The Upper Paleolithic is characterized by fully modern behaviors such as cave art, hunting a range of techniques including bows and arrows, and making a wide range of tools in stone, bone, ivory, and antler. Sources: Bar-Yosef O. 2008. ASIA, WEST - Palaeolithic Cultures. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York: Academic Press. p 865-875. Close AE, and Minichillo T. 2007. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS - Global Expansion 300,000-8000 years ago, Africa. In: Elias SA, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Oxford: Elsevier. p 99-107. Harris JWK, Braun DR, and Pante M. 2007. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS - 2.7 MYR-300,000 years ago in Africa In: Elias SA, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Oxford: Elsevier. p 63-72. Marciniak A. 2008. EUROPE, CENTRAL AND EASTERN. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York: Academic Press. p 1199-1210. McNabb J. 2007. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS - 1.9 MYR-300,000 years ago in Europe In: Elias SA, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Oxford: Elsevier. p 89-98. Petraglia MD, and Dennell R. 2007. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS - Global Expansion 300,000-8000 years ago, Asia In: Elias SA, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Oxford: Elsevier. p 107-118. Shen C. 2008. ASIA, EAST - China, Paleolithic Cultures. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York: Academic Press. p 570-597.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Print Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Print Advertising - Essay Example Several propaganda devices are used in the ad including glittering generality and band wagon appeals.à Glittering generality sets the light bulb up as a preferred method of reducing energy use and conserving the environment without sacrificing personal comfort.à However, very little information about this light bulb or the technology behind it is actually shared.à Instead, consumers are directed to visit a website that presumably gives them this information.à Band wagon appeals are made when the suggestion is inferred that everyone is making the switch, such as Ashley, who is pictured in the ad as being just an ordinary woman with a satisfying solution to a difficult problem.à à I am actually relatively neutral about the ad.à Initially, I found it very attractive because of its use of color.à The light blues and greens pulled at me and made me feel comfortable and at home.à The friendly look on the womanââ¬â¢s face and her desire to share her new discover y with me appealed to my emotions and made me want to like the ad itself.à However, as I looked over it in greater detail, I learned that it was offering an energy efficient halogen bulb, which, in my personal experience, generates a high level of ambient heat and is therefore not a good option.à I also felt resentful that the ad provided me with no real information about the product and manipulated when I found myself going to the website.à Thus, cognitively, I did not like the ad and would probably not buy the product.Ã
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Healthcare Factors behind Cost Curve and Supply Curve Coursework
Healthcare Factors behind Cost Curve and Supply Curve - Coursework Example The recent scare globally is the threat of ebola, which needs special attention from the healthcare providers. Hospitals need to be ready for such emergencies to ensure safety of all citizens in the country. Secondly, affordability of healthcare services to most citizens remains to be a great issue that the federal government seeks to address. The cost of medical care continues to shoot day by day. The amounts allocated in the federal budget every financial year continues to rise despite various interventions to this sector. From the report that was recently issued by the government, it predicted that the entire spending of this sector will be close to 20 percent of the GDP by the year 2016. Policymakers have largely questioned this because increase costs does not reflect better, and quality services in these hospitals (Hicks, 2014). Further, the sector has vowed to eliminate both racial and ethnic disparities in their institutions. Trainings to all members of staff operating in these hospitals has been enhanced in oder to ensure performance excellence and improved healthcare services to all in the country. I totally agree with her arguments and findings. For instance, with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, every citizen and employee in this industry is expected to have an insurance cover. However, most people who are insured are seeking medical care from these hospitals leading to strain on the available resources. Hence, this directly affects the cost curves. To some extend, people who are insured are normally charged slightly higher in these hospitals. Another issue that has been addressed in her essay is the number of taskforce operating in rural hospitals in the country. Generally, there is a shortage, and the federal government has to address this issue by employing more staff to work in these hospitals. Most of these hospitals operating in these areas experience a lot of pressure due to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Explain Steps in Organizational Changes Process Essay Example for Free
Explain Steps in Organizational Changes Process Essay There are four steps in organizational changes process. The management of change involves determining the needs for changes, determining the obstacles to change, implementing change, and evaluating change. Explaining steps in organizational change process are as follows: First, the organization may determine the needs for changes to make organization more responsive, flexible and competitive. Before the changing, the organization should find the gap between performance objectives and actual performance, and uses some indicators, which like total net profit, sales per employee, and labor costs, to measure the gap in order to decide whether the organization needs to change. Second, the organization need to identify the obstacles, which like resisting changes at organization, division or individual level, Unions resistance, the culture, strategies and structures of the organization, and financial ability, to introduce new policies and practices when the organization need to changes. For example, for the financial ability, HR manager expects to introduce new technology to make the organization more competitive. However, the organization doesnââ¬â¢t have enough subsidies to afford all staffs to learn new skills. Therefore, the organization should identify all potential barriers. Third, the organization should consider which methods to implement in the change to reduce the resistance from managers or employees. The organization can use internal managers or external consultants to carry out the changes. The internal managers have more knowledgeable about people and business operations, but the internal managers often are too narrow to successfully introduce change. Besides, the external consultants are politically neutral and possessing broader and have more knowledgeable viewpoints, but the external consultants do not know the organization and its staff. Therefore, the organization should measure which method is more suitable for the organization. Moreover, the organization should use Top-Down or Bottom-Up approach to implement the changes. The Top-Down approach which managers need to involve in decision and implementation, this approach emphasizes on speed and action. This approach shows the low-level staff just participates in the changes, but top-level managers are made decisions. The Bottom-Up approach which involves considerable discussion and consultation with managers and employees, it emphasizes participation, communication, and the minimizations of uncertainty. This approach makes the staff have more motivations and satisfactions. Therefore, the organization should choose which approach to implement the changes. Last, to measure the effectiveness of changes, the organization use some indicators, like employee productivity, job satisfaction, sales, to compare the before and after situations to analyze and control the outcome. For example, when the organization implemented the change, it can compare the sales this year and last year to evaluate the effectiveness of the change. Therefore, the organization can utilize different indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the change. The organization should change regularly as the business environment is constantly changing. However, some of reasons why the employees sometimes resistant to change are followings: If I were a HR manager, I would handle this situation with different methods to help the employees. As a HR manager, I would communicate with the employees to reduce the influences of them. Some employees may resist changing because they feel incapable of performing well under the new way of doing things like using high technology, and they do not understanding what is happening or why. Therefore, I would communicate with them to reduce their resistances. As a HR manager, I would participate with the employees to attend some lessons or courses, which are provided by the organization. It is because some of them may feel work overload and loss of face when they faced the change. They may feel that they are physically or mentally unable to handle the change and feel uncomfortable. Thus, I would participate with them to support them to change. As a HR manager, I would organize some channels, which like meetings, memos, E-mails, and social network, to let the employees know why the organization needs to change in order to reduce their resistances and angers. In the channels, I would tell them the high technology only less skills required, the change can carry lower pay rate. So I would organize some channels to reduce their fear of the unknown. As a HR manager, I would negotiate with the organization to provide the counseling for the lay-off employees to lower negative emotions. Some of them may feel that their pay and benefits may be reduced or they may lose their job as the economic downturn. Thus, I would require the organization provide counseling to give them comfort. As a HR manager, I would negotiate with the organization providing rewards when the employees accepted some required. The organization needs to introduce some high technology as an example, if some of them, who accepted the requirement, may have opportunities to increase their pays or promotion. Therefore, I would utilize some rewards to attract them. Therefore, as a HR manager, I am not only monitoring organizationââ¬â¢s environment, but also I should communicate with employees.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Use of the Mock-epic Style in The Rape of the Lock Essay -- Rape Of Th
Use of the Mock-epic Style in The Rape of the Lock "The triumph of the Baron's rape is in exactly the same high language as it would be if he were Hector." In The Rape of the Lock, Pope uses the mock-epic style to satirise the seriousness with which a trivial misdemeanour (the theft of a few strands of hair) and the ways of gender polarised society can be blown beyond all sense of proportion. Thus the male mentality, through the Baron, is portrayed as lacking depth or personality beyond that required to achieve its ends; men objectify and devise "strategems" (4,120) to conquer their female obsessions; they are "victor[s]" (4,162) who self-importantly congratulate themselves as meriting "wreaths of triumph" (4,161) when they have seized what they desire. The Baron claims that the "glorious prize" is his in perpetuity, whilst many conditions which will never be fulfilled ("while fish in streams, or birds delight in air" 4,163) remain unfulfilled. In this satirising of the epic mould such trivial occurrences are substituted in place of truly fantastic possibilities (mighty cities falling, for instance) for the purpose of putting the lock's severing into a more realistic perspective ââ¬â this is made even more explicit in the following canto (4,8 "[no-one ever] felt such rage, resentment, and despair / as thou, sad virgin! for thy ravished hair" ââ¬â meaning that perh aps Belinda over-reacts, in Pope's opinion, just ever-so slightly.) He also then reinforces his satire with a broadening of humour, and a stab in the direction of then-popular culture: specifically, "Atalantis" (4,165) was no great enduring writing but a cheap, scandalous work of fiction, "notorious for its thinly concealed allusions to contemporary scandals", pe... ...rder of life.") Obviously the ultimate aim of the poem is to mitigate the severity of the liberty taken in the theft of the lock (as seen in the minds of those involved in the familial dispute.) Mock epic assists Pope in achieving this without being seen to trivialise the assaulted feelings of the victim ââ¬â the high language and drama of his work accords to the act of the lock's severing a grossly inflated significance, which retains enough of its epic origins not to be viewed as derisive sarcasm. As a satirist Pope is therefore presenting for the appraisal of his readership the notion that the loss of the lock does not deserve the intensity of ill-feeling which has resulted from it. BIBLIOGRAPHY: The Norton Anthology of English Literature 6th Edition, Volume 1, 1993 A Choice Of Pope's Verse, edited by Peter Porter, Faber & Faber, 1971
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
To My Dead Homie
Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you and describe that influence. My life changed in September of 2009 when I met my good friend Nate Thomas. It all began in the Halls of Roman Catholic High School. I had dreamt of the day I could finally wear purple and gold with pride and represent Roman. However, my first day of school was very different than expected. In middle school, I was used to being known by fellow students and teachers throughout the hallways, in the cafeteria and on the basketball court, but at Roman I had to start all over.I was in unfamiliar territory and in need of immediate guidance and friendship. On my first day, I was unloading books out of my locker, when a 4 foot 2 fellow freshman arrived at the locker next to me to do the same. We introduced ourselves and realized, regardless of our noticeable height difference, that we shared many things in common. From that moment, Nate became one of my best friends and someone I could count on for anyt hing. Nate was born with pulmonary tricuspid atresia, which basically means he was born with the complete absence of the tricuspid valve.Aside from Nateââ¬â¢s height, no one could tell he had a congenital heart disease. Nate was not only at every Roman basketball game, but could be heard cheering the loudest in the gym. He never once complained about his illness, but rather embraced each day as a gift with a positive spirit. When I faced obstacles or setbacks, Nate was quick to offer guidance not judgement. One of the biggest setbacks for me occurred on the basketball court. As a junior, I was excited to be an upperclassman and help contribute to a talented varsity team.However, to my dismay I was put on the Junior Varsity team. At first, I was discouraged, angry, and an overall miserable person. I thought ââ¬Å"How could they do this to me? I had forever dreamt of being a member of the Varsity team. â⬠My initial reaction of negativity and pity for myself is not something I am proud of as I look back on my experiences. After confiding in Nate about not making Varsity, he asked me ââ¬Å"How much do I enjoy playing basketball and what was I willing to do to prove I deserved to be on the Varsity team? I realized that was his way of telling me to ââ¬Å"get over it and work harder. â⬠Nate made me realize that all obstacles challenge us and help us grow stronger whether it be mentally, physically or both. I ended up playing both Junior Varsity and Varsity my junior year because of my work ethic and drive to compete with the best. I credit this to Nate and his ability to make every situation a positive one. As I embark on my senior year at Roman, I begin to reflect on the person I have become today and continue to grow into.Nateââ¬â¢s guidance, advice and friendship is something I will never forgot nor take for granted. His genuine kindness and happiness is something I hope to emulate throughout the years to come. Some would say Nate lost his fig ht against this illness on August 13, 2012, but I think through his passing he has left an even greater legacy on us all and now continues watching over us and pushing us to live life with his same positive spirit and drive to be the best we can.As I look back on my 3 years at Roman and think about things I considered setbacks, I am able to see the bigger picture. Yes I was devastated about not initially making the Varsity team, but I now realize it was the bigger picture of not giving up and working hard in a positive way to achieve my goals, which was Nateââ¬â¢s advice. So while yes Nate and I were the same age and met as two Freshman on the first day of school, he was wise beyond his years and someone I call my friend, mentor, brother, but most of all my hero.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Light in August: An Analysis
William Faulknerââ¬â¢s Light in August gives us an exploration of pertinent issues in the society namely; gender, race and class. à The writer reveals his interests in history and its significance to the present by arriving at a novel which illuminates Mississippi in August, which seems to come from the far past; hence the symbolism of the title. Yet Lena Grove, a protagonist in the story contributes more meaning to the title as it also signifies her new-born child who was born in August and the ââ¬Å"lightâ⬠that the baby carries signifying a new generation devoid of racism, prejudice and discrimination. Our aim is to be able to unveil through the characters and their interactions in the story the issues which serve as the themes also of the novel.à A lot of the characters are introduced in two or three ways; first through the eyes of the other characters; second thorough a self-analysis of the characters by using internal monologues and; third through the narrator in a series of flashbacks and stream of consciousness technique. This illustrates the elements in the context where we live; the presence of rumor mongering, envy, relative perception, deception, misunderstanding and isolation. It is important to note that the narratorââ¬â¢s style poses before the audience a challenge of determining the truth and engaging them in the process of understanding the characters; the way it is in actual reality. The narrator may seem unreliable because it highlights how untrustworthy each of the characters' own perceptions is, by contrasting them with each other. It does not reveal bluntly the truth even reaching a point where the narratorââ¬â¢s self-contradiction impacts on the complexity yet meaning of the story. I would like to use the character and situation of Joe Christmas, as significant in the revelation of racism in the society. To Christmas, traces of his Negro ethnicity, represents a stigma, which is even worsened by the way people treat him. Blackness is conceived as evil because of the perception of its impurity and aloofness from God. However the confusion lies in Christmasââ¬â¢ inability to decipher his true African-American lineage as he appears European. However, he also feels he does not deserve to belong in White communities and hide or run away from them. His racial identity and his mixed reaction towards it, is a play on his fondness of dealing with the society in varied ways. As he often willingly tells people that he is black, he enjoys their condemnation and hatred. In the Jefferson community even people who are sympathetic to Blacks are attacked. This is represented by the characters; Joanna and Hightower. Joanna Burden continues her ancestors' struggle for Black emancipation, which makes her peripheral in the society just like Christmas. Joanna and Joe had sexual relationship, intensifying the affinity of their interests and perhaps the closeness of their ââ¬Å"ostracizedâ⬠situation. Hightower on the other hand has been treated with less consideration because of his ideas regarded as sacrilegious by his fellow men. When Joe Christmas and Joe Brown were suspected of Joannaââ¬â¢s murder, Brown had initially found a way of bringing Christmas closer to their suspicion by revealing that he was Black. It has been expressed nonetheless that accusing a White of being Black is worse a crime than being Black itself. Clearly, racial discrimination against the Black is presented here. Yet the performance of Christmas as a victim of racism is quite unclear more than being a victim of false accusations and societyââ¬â¢s lack of ââ¬Å"reasonâ⬠and propensity to misinterpret others. One may even doubt the success of his performance in the way things are understood by the audience. His Blackness is not directly admitted by the narrator although the perception that he is brings him a lot of misfortunes. This is perhaps what the author wants us to understand. The truth most of the time is neglected in the society. Hatred and self-interests lead the people to think what they want to think of others in a manner that will benefit them. The same is true with Ms. Atkins, the dietitian, Brown, and the rest of the townspeople. The issue of racism because of this has been intensified yet alongside this is the traditional culture of condemnation that people feel toward each other in the light of selfishness. The identity of Christmas therefore becomes more than the tragedy of Blackness; it is also a tragedy of class and gender. The narration has often insinuated homosexual tendencies in the relationship between him and Brown as perceived by the townspeople and the encounter with the prostitute whom he beat, and his hatred to mostly feminine characters. His poverty as an orphan for instance has led him to a series of miseries until his death. His capture in the same way was triggered by money with the ransom placed by the relative of Joanna. So, his perceived hatred against his lineage may also translate into hatred against his social class and gender. The reader must be careful in reading or deriving the true convictions of the novel, and essentially the reading of Joe Christmas. For me, Joe Christmas is a tool for the realization of issues rather than clear-cut facts. Another character that I would like to use in relation with the issue of gender is Joanna Burden. Her relationship with Joe Christmas is described as sexual although the presentation of her two-distinct characters is important in understanding how society perceives sexuality and gender. The description of the narrator of Joannaââ¬â¢s feminine and masculine sides comprises stereotypes. One part is her public persona: where she is a middle-aged single woman who has lived in deep seclusion for almost all of her life, with the exception of the black people whom she takes care of, and who care for her in return. She is presented here as completely independent, calm, and unemotional. The narrator uses male adjectives to describe her. Yet who or what determines male characteristics? The other half of Joanna is her ââ¬Å"nightâ⬠personality-wild, lustful, conniving, and, according to Christmas, very feminine. Yet who qualifies feminine attitudes as we know them today, feminine indeed? à The narrator has brought to us all the time what the majority thinks of every character in the society. The authorââ¬â¢s beliefs and ideas are concealed and are dependent on the capacity of the audience/readers to disclose them by analysis. Notice that reading and analysis are two different tasks; while most could read; only some could analyze. In relation to Joe Christmas, Joanna Burden represents all that society; its orthodox culture and mainstream tradition have imposed upon the mind-set of people. Joanna Burden represents; gender discrimination, racial and class discrimination. The painful part for Christmas is that he is bound to kill her for the ââ¬Å"burdenâ⬠that she implicitly bestowed on him. To Christmas, Joannaââ¬â¢s insistence for him to be educated, to be religious and her intentional deception of her other persona manifest weakness and fakeness. He felt he was deceived as she tries to be one of ââ¬Å"themâ⬠, meaning the majority, the townspeople, the unreasonable, discriminators. Joanna symbolizes responsibility which Joe was trying to run away from. He does not want to conform. Christmasââ¬â¢ pasts and experiences, his uncertainties and self-confusion and identity crisis- all represents the ââ¬Å"commonâ⬠individual. We are all confused of how things are done and decided in the society. Some subject themselves to conformity just to be comfortable, while others refuse. Both died in the end. The two deaths represent both the death of all societal conditions of discrimination and confusion. The birth of Lenaââ¬â¢s child who is a character of innocence and purity of intentions suggest the inevitable role of equality and reason in liberating from repression. In short, the way the narrator has exposed to us the events call for some historical, analytical, political and even philosophical understanding. We can not directly buy the motives presented by the narrator nor could we simply rely on the gossips of the townspeople in determining the truth. The author concealed information about the characters because the facts are treated less important more than the sentiments and beliefs that transpired in every act. The story does not even call for a ââ¬Å"guess whoâ⬠or ââ¬Å"find outâ⬠type of goal. The tone which is one of confused nature is intended, effective and meaningful. The essence of the novel lies in that tendency of the reader to feel rather than to be satisfied, to yield an inquiring mind rather than a comfortable ending. As in the previous sections of Light In August, in the final chapters Faulkner meditates on the problems of storytelling. The information of the death of Christmas was revealed by an unknown character while the case of Lena and Byron were also resolved by a seemingly insignificant character. This poses before us that in normal circumstances, the ââ¬Å"prominentâ⬠consisting of the highly-educated, and the elite is the source of all ââ¬Å"perceivedâ⬠truths and knowledge. We accept them not because they are real but because of the stature of the source- not knowing that beyond class, truth is not exclusive to the authority and the ââ¬Å"famousâ⬠. The author suggests that the ability to give the past significant power in the present as it is highlighted in the discussion of Hightowerââ¬â¢s life in the last chapter may be the key to enlightenment. In our society now and the way it is constructed, much is derived from the remains of history. The themes of racism, discrimination and inequalities for example are rooted in our colonial past. There is no light in August if these are not delved into, considered and critically understood. Ã
Friday, November 8, 2019
ESL Beginner Dialogue Comparing the City and the Country
ESL Beginner Dialogue Comparing the City and the Country In English, the comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb that involves a comparison between greater or lesser, more or less. The comparative form changes depending on the adjective you use, but almost allà one-syllableà adjectives, along with some two-syllable adjectives, addà -erà to theà baseà to form the comparative. Its important to learn a wide range of adjectives for the sake of description. A good way to practice this is by comparing the city and the country in a conversation. To describe physical locations as well as the character of the people and places, youll need to use the comparative form. Use the sample dialogue below to describe the city and the country. Then have your own conversations with others in your class. The City and the Country David: How do you like living in a big city? Maria: I like it so much more than living in the country. There are many things that make it better. David: Oh, really? Can you give me some examples? Maria:à Well, it certainly is more interesting out in the city than it is in the country. There is so much more to do and see! David: Yes, but the city is more dangerous than the country. Maria: Thats true. People in the city arent as open and friendly as those in the countryside, and the streets arent as safe. David: Im sure that the country is more relaxed, too! Maria: Yes, the city is busier than the country. However, the country feels much slower than the city. David: I think thats a good thing! Maria: Oh, I dont. The country is so boring! Being in the country is much more boring than being in the city. David: How about the cost of living? Is the country cheaper than the city? Maria: Oh, yes. Living in the city is more expensive than in the country. David: Life in the country is also much healthier than in the city. Maria: Yes, its cleaner and less dangerous in the country. But, the city is so much more exciting. Its faster, crazier and more fun. David: I think you are crazy for moving to the city. Maria: Well, Im young now. Maybe when Im married and have children Ill move back to the country. More Dialogue Practice - Includes level and target structures/language functions for each dialogue.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Understand the Meaning of Heterozygous
Understand the Meaning of Heterozygous In diploid organisms, heterozygous refers to an individual having two different alleles for a specific trait. An allele is a version of a gene or specific DNA sequence on a chromosome. Alleles are inherited through sexual reproduction as the resulting offspring inherit half of their chromosomes from the mother and half from the father. The cells in diploid organisms contain sets of homologous chromosomes, which are paired chromosomes that have the same genes at the same positions along each chromosome pair. Although homologous chromosomes have the same genes, they may have different alleles for those genes. Alleles determine how particular traits are expressed or observed. Example: The gene for seed shape in pea plants exists in two forms, one form or allele for round seed shape (R) and the other for wrinkled seed shape (r). A heterozygous plant would contain the following alleles for seed shape: (Rr). Heterozygous Inheritance Complete Dominance: Diploid organisms have two alleles for each trait and those alleles are different in heterozygous individuals. Incomplete dominance inheritance, one allele is dominant and the other is recessive. The dominant trait is observed and the recessive trait is masked. Using the previous example, round seed shape (R) is dominant and wrinkled seed shape (r) is recessive. A plant with round seeds would have either of the following genotypes: (RR) or (Rr).Ã A plant with wrinkled seeds would have the following genotype: (rr). The heterozygous genotype (Rr) has the dominant round seed shape as its recessive allele (r) is masked in the phenotype.Incomplete dominance: One of the heterozygous alleles does not completely mask the other. Instead, a different phenotype is seen that is a combination of the phenotypes of the two alleles. An example of this is pink flower color in snapdragons. The allele that produces red flower color (R) is not completely expressed over the allele t hat produces white flower color (r). The result in the heterozygous genotype (Rr) is a phenotype that is a mixture of red and white, or pink. Codominance: Both of the heterozygous alleles are fully expressed in the phenotype. An example of codominance is AB blood type inheritance. The A and B alleles are expressed fully and equally in the phenotype and are said to be codominant. Heterozygous vs. Homozygous An individual that is homozygous for a trait has alleles that are similar. Unlike heterozygous individuals with different alleles, homozygotes only produce homozygous offspring. These offspring may be either homozygous dominant (RR) or homozygous recessive (rr) for a trait. They may not have both dominant and recessive alleles. In contrast, both heterozygous and homozygous offspring may be derived from a heterozygote (Rr). The heterozygous offspring have both dominant and recessive alleles that may express complete dominance, incomplete dominance, or codominance. Heterozygous Mutations Sometimes, mutations can occur on chromosomes that change the DNA sequence. These mutations are typically the result of either errors that happen during meiosis or by exposure to mutagens. In diploid organisms, a mutation that occurs on only one allele for a gene is called a heterozygous mutation. Identical mutations that occur on both alleles of the same gene are called homozygous mutations. Compound heterozygous mutations occur as a result of different mutations that happen on both alleles for the same gene.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Global Logistics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Global Logistics - Coursework Example Third party logistics are often used for global supply chain executions. The reason why the Japanese company needs to outsource logistics is to reduce the cost, improve distribution service and concentration on its core competencies. The company strategy largely determines how formulation, evaluation and execution of third party logistics will take place. (John E Mello) Factors that primarily effect third party logistics outsourcing are cost and quality of service provided. Since the company requires multiple services, the first thing this company will consider is the ability of the logistics provider to provide all these services efficiently. The company will look at the logistics providers resources because the services required here go beyond typical storage and distribution and also include assembling and receiving orders. To satisfy all these needs, the third party logistics should have the technical expertise and the manpower besides a transportation system and storage place. The first step in outsourcing will be the research and evaluation of all service providers. The company will analyze service providers and look at their experience. The company should have meaningful experience and a clear track record without being involved in any deceptive activities or maintaining low standards of service. Any such findings will immediately disregard that 3PL company as it will risk damaging the company reputation. The service provider who has prior experience of custom clearance activities, storage, assembly and distribution of electronics will be given the top priority. The second thing to consider is the cost and the added value outsourcing will be bringing to the company. Price is a major factor as the reduction of cost and responsibility is what the company is looking for. Therefore the company will choose from companies which provide their services well within the going market rate but not below that without compromising
Friday, November 1, 2019
Gender Variation in Racial Discrimination as a Factor in Academic Literature review
Gender Variation in Racial Discrimination as a Factor in Academic Achievement - Literature review Example Teachers and related school officials are human and subject to discriminatory feelings that can affect their relationships with the children that they are charged with nurturing intellectually. Those children they affect can be permanently affected by negative discriminatory practices either on gender or racial level. Adolescents are no exception. Aspects of the identity and the self are compromised when social differences mean that there are discriminatory experiences that place the concept of inferiority within the experiences that help to form the identity when in a school atmosphere. Gender and Racial Identities Cogburn, Chavous, and Griffin (2011, p. 25) created a study in which gender discrimination experiences that African American adolescents who were in the 8th grade were examined to see if gender was a factor in discrimination experiences that were associated with an academic and psychological function. Girls and boys had no significant variation in the frequency of experie nces, but boys reported that they were discriminated against more frequently because of their gender. Aspects of the race were more significant in affecting self-esteem while aspects of gender were more important in predicting grade point average and academic achievement. This study shows that how children are treated in regards to identifying factors has an effect on future achievement and their sense of self. Cogburn, Chavous, and Griffin (2011, p. 26) used a series of conceptual frameworks through which to address their topic. One of these frameworks is the double jeopardy hypothesis. This asserts that Black females will have double marginalization because they belong to two lower status social groups that are considered minorities: female and Black. This means that they are subject to both racial and gender-based discrimination. The alternative perspective which applies to Black males is that they suffer from both racial discrimination and discrimination based on their subordina tion as Black males in order to diminish them as a threat in the male world. Between the two social groups, Black males have a higher level of discrimination experiences because they are perceived as a higher threat. Cogburn, Chavous, and Griffin (2011, p. 26) also discuss the ethnic-prominence hypothesis which asserts that the racial/ethnic membership has a higher value where discrimination is concerned that the gender membership value.
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