Friday, February 21, 2020

Employee Engagement On The Scope Of Future Career Growth Of Employees Dissertation

Employee Engagement On The Scope Of Future Career Growth Of Employees - Dissertation Example In the words of Collings & Wood (2009), the most hyped topics in the context of international human resource management are ensuring employee commitment and engagement. Considering the current business environment, the internal management process of firms is being aligned with the strategic mission and vision of the firms for ensuring an appropriately directed performance. Scholars such as Dyne & Pierce and Konrad (2009) have questioned the authenticity of the organizations in the context of providing the scope of growth for their employee base. Carrying forward a similar concern Bakker & Leiter mentioned that employee engagement and job satisfaction does not go hand-in-hand. Focusing on these arguments and the evaluation of the practical work conditions and processes, the research will focus on analyzing the influence of employee engagement on their career growth opportunities with the help of a mixed methodology. Human resource management processes have transformed along with the changes in the requirements of the business firms and the increase of complexities in business management. Saks noted that methods such as downsizing are commonly used by the firm in order to reduce their operational expenses and at the same time maintain their competence in their respective industries. In this context, Green & Medlin observed that employee engagement concepts being followed in business are mostly implemented with the help of reward structures which can be considered as short-term obligations from the end of the organizations.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Indonesia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Indonesia - Term Paper Example In addition, the Gross National savings of Indonesia as estimated in the year 2014 stands at 30.2% of GDP. Relevant to consumption of GDP, household and government consumption stands at 56.2 % and 9 % respectively. Investment in fixed capital and exports of goods and services take 33.6% and 23.5 % of GDP respectively. Moreover, the agricultural, industrial and service sectors claim 14.2 %, 45.5% and 40.3% of the GDP (Central Intelligence Agency, 2015). The labor force of Indonesia stands at 124.3 million according to the recent records. The industrial production growth rate is 4.9 %. The population below poverty line stands at 11.7 %. The unemployment rate is at 5.7 % according to the latest statistics and the Gini index stands at 36.8 as recorded in 2009. According to the budget of Indonesia, the revenues and expenditures stand at $134.7 billion and $155.2 billion respectively (Central Intelligence Agency, 2015). Taxes and other revenues account for 15.7% and the public debt stands at 23.9% of the GDP. The inflation rate was estimated at 6.3% in the year 2014. The prime lending rate of the commercial bank was estimated at 12.4 % in December 2014. According to the recent records, the imports and exports of Indonesia stand at $166.7 billion and $ 179.4 billion respectively. The major indicators of social infrastructure in Indonesia may comprise of the life expectancy, infant mortality as well as literacy levels among others. In Indonesia, the population growth rate is estimated at 0.95 % according to the 2014 statistics. The birth rate was estimated at 17.04 births per 1000 population in 2014. Death rate was estimated at 6.34 deaths per 1000 population. The infant mortality rate stands at 25.16 deaths per 1000 and the maternal mortality rate was estimated at 220 deaths per 1000 live births. The life expectancy stands at 72.17 years for all populations. From the latest commercial guide of Indonesia, there are