Wednesday, December 18, 2019

New Zealand s Leading Wine Producing Area - 2200 Words

Report Marlborough is New Zealand s leading wine producing area. Marlborough produces over 75% of the country s total export wine. Blenheim is said to be the most productive alcohol region in New Zealand due to its’ large amount of sunshine hours per year. Moisture, light intensity and temperature show a repeating trend annually in Marlborough making it easy for winemakers predict and rely on the weather. Photosynthesis is the process that plants carry out in order to use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. More sunshine, increases the rate of photosynthesis in the grape vine. Steady successful photosynthesis ensures the plant produces its highest quality fruit. Alcohol is defined as a carbon chain with a hydroxyl group attached. Alcoholic beverages for social consumption are specifically made from ethanol. Ethanol is a 2 carbon chain with a hydroxyl attached. There are many processes within winemaking to get the flavours that are characterised into different types of wines. Initially wine is made by crushing grapes to extract juice. From this stage the juice undergoes two main types of fermentation. Primary fermentation is the first stage and most active of fermentation, occurring under aerobic conditions.. Sucrose is a dimer (a molecule or molecular complex consisting of two identical molecules linked together) of glucose and fructose molecules. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christianity for Readings in Christian Ethics- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theChristianity for Readings in Christian Ethics. Answer: I have placed in Woolworths in the post of a Service Manager, and the experience has been an extremely a fulfilling one. I have been able to enjoy many learning opportunities, and have also received multiple training options. For example, I have received training in interpersonal communication skills that have helped in improving my verbal communication skills. Now, I feel much confident while interacting with customers at my workplace, and love to serve the company that has professionally developed my abilities. Earlier, I was always very scared to work anywhere, as I suffered from low confidence level. However, after working at Woolworths, I have become more self-motivated and driven, and I love working, as I have been able to acquire the skills needed for accomplishing my job. I am enjoying each day at work, as all my co-workers are so nice to me, and they help me as and when required. I accomplish a sense of purpose by serving customers in time and ensuring their satisfaction. This reading revolves around the debatable issue- if abortion should be legalized or it should be criminalized. Although abortion is allowed, religious people tend to think that it kills the innocent life of an unborn, which has every right to claim a life, even though he cannot assert his rights. However, a more rational approach states that the unborn child during his initial years is only a fetus, comprising of tissues, and is nothing more than a simple product of sexual intercourse[1] .A womans life or well-being is often threatened while trying to give birth to an unborn child, who is not yet born, and his mothers right to life should be more than his own as he has still not attained consciousness of his existence. Besides, many women are victims of rape and forced, unprotected intercourse, and they should not be denied the right of abortion. However, such faith in Natalism, where the unborn is denied less right than the born, is alos socially unacceptable. While Christian scriptures have played an important role in shaping the religious beliefs of the Christian followers, its association with and application in real life still remains unknown and unutilized. In the New Testament, it is clearly stated that one who wishes to lead a righteous life, must live in compliance and in harmony with the creation created by the Creator. It is the responsibility of mankind to ensure that the creation created by the Creator is preserved, and problems such as environmental pollution is not allowed to contaminate the environment. The Christian religious belief does not ask mankind to fear Creation, but to view and respect the world as a creation of God, and to work for ensuring a green, pollution-free, sustainable environment[2]. Human beings should feel the divine connection with the creator, and respect the world, the earth as He has created, instead of polluting the same. While people usually tend to believe that leadership is all about enjoying a hierarchically superior position at workplace and bossing over subordinates, ethical leadership is much more than that. The Christian scriptures portray the ideal leader as a loving shepherd who lays down for the well-being of his followers. Thus, love, compassion and integrity are essential traits of an ethical leader, as much as his ability to control and evaluate others. The modern leadership theories such as Transformational Leadership and Servant Leadership follow this view only. An ideal leader must care as much as he leads, and treats his subordinates in the same way as he wishes to be treated. If a leader compels his employees to work overtime and provide them with no incentive, or if he deceives his shareholders with inaccurate information, he is not a leader. He should take only those decisions which he will be comfortable enough to share with all his stakeholders. It is not enough to do business for the sake of money, and so one should be mindful of the community he is conducting business. The worldview a person believes in, his personal motivation to do good, and his willingness to comply with the regulatory norms and laws of the nation determines his moral goodness while conducting business[3]. One should believe in the idea of creating a better world, and sustaining the present resources, instead of consuming all the resources at present. It is important to conduct business in an ethical and responsible way so that each of the stakeholders is able to benefit from it. The customers should e satisfied, the shareholders should be well-informed and the community should benefit from the company. Reference List: Clark, David K, and Robert Vincent Rakestraw.Readings In Christian Ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 1994. DeWitt, Calvin B.The Environment And The Christian. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1991. Mess, Jacqueline.Business Ethics. Queensland: Southern Cross College, 2017.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Reaction Measurement Essays - Design Of Experiments, Cognition

Reaction Measurement The reaction time of ten subjects was measured. The subjects were asked to catch a ruler ten times under five different conditions. The first condition measured the subject's simple reaction time. Each further condition added an additional stimulus and the reaction times were measured. There was a clear increase in reaction time with the addition of further stimulus, however the expected result of a steady increase in response time with the addition of each condition did not occur. The third condition displayed the highest response time where as the final condition displayed the second lowest (after condition 1). Assuming that no design problems in the experiment affected the results, it cannot be concluded that cognitive processes occur in separate order and do not overlap. Given the average reaction time of condition five was lower than condition three, some cognitive adaption may have occurred to lower the response time of the subjects or another reason may exist. One aspect not covered by the experiment, but important to the results was the error factor. Pre-guessing the experimenter caused a high rate of error, however it lowered the overall results. Why measure response times? As the world moves forward with technology, increasing pressure is placed upon humans to be quicker, be smarter and to operate more efficiently. As the population increases systems are being put in place to reduce incidences and accidents occurring. An example of this is a study conducted by Cameron, 1995 examining the influence of specific light colors, motor vehicle braking and the reaction time of the drivers to these specific clouds and conditions to avoid rear end collisions. Donders subtractive method holds that reaction times can be obtained by subtracting the simple reaction time; or subtracting type A from type B etc. (Cameron, 1995). Given this, it stands that the more stimulus provided (or thought processes required), the longer the response time of the subjects. This theory is tested in the measurement of ten responses to five test conditions. The trial provides preliminary information to participants and it is expected that reaction times will be shorter than if no information was supplied. (Rosenbaum, 1980.) Method Participants Ten participants were selected, four female and six male. Ages ranged from twenty-two to fifty three. All were fully able bodied and from English speaking backgrounds. Materials A plastic yard rule was used. The yard rule was six centimeters in width. Procedure Condition One The experimenter sat one subject on a chair and instructed them to place their arm out in front of them at a comfortable height. The yard rule was then placed between the subject's fingers at a height of 10 centimeters. The subject was then told the condition 1 (Appendix A) and given three trials. The subject then completed the ten tries at the condition and the results were recorded. All ten subjects were tested in the same manner. No abnormal results were obtained. Condition Two The experimenter sat one subject on a chair and instructed them to place their arm out in front of them at a comfortable height. The yard rule was then placed between the subject's fingers at a height of 10 centimeters. The subject was then told the condition 2 (Appendix A) and given three trials. The subject then completed the ten tries at the condition and the results were recorded. All ten subjects were tested in the same manner. An error rate and abnormal results occurred. Condition Three The experimenter sat one subject on a chair and instructed them to place their arm out in front of them at a comfortable height. The yard rule was then placed between the subject's fingers at a height of 10 centimeters. The subject was then told the condition 2 (Appendix A) and given three trials. The subject then completed the ten tries at the condition and the results were recorded. All ten subjects were tested in the same manner. An error rate and abnormal results occurred. Condition Four The experimenter sat one subject on a chair and instructed them to place both their arms out in front of them at a comfortable height. The yard rule was then placed between the subject's hands at a height of 10 centimeters. The subject was then told the condition 4 (Appendix A) and given three trials. The subject then completed the ten tries at the condition and the results were recorded. All ten subjects were tested in the same manner. A high error rate and abnormal results occurred. Condition Five The experimenter sat one subject on a chair and