Wednesday, December 18, 2019

New Zealand s Leading Wine Producing Area - 2200 Words

Report Marlborough is New Zealand s leading wine producing area. Marlborough produces over 75% of the country s total export wine. Blenheim is said to be the most productive alcohol region in New Zealand due to its’ large amount of sunshine hours per year. Moisture, light intensity and temperature show a repeating trend annually in Marlborough making it easy for winemakers predict and rely on the weather. Photosynthesis is the process that plants carry out in order to use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. More sunshine, increases the rate of photosynthesis in the grape vine. Steady successful photosynthesis ensures the plant produces its highest quality fruit. Alcohol is defined as a carbon chain with a hydroxyl group attached. Alcoholic beverages for social consumption are specifically made from ethanol. Ethanol is a 2 carbon chain with a hydroxyl attached. There are many processes within winemaking to get the flavours that are characterised into different types of wines. Initially wine is made by crushing grapes to extract juice. From this stage the juice undergoes two main types of fermentation. Primary fermentation is the first stage and most active of fermentation, occurring under aerobic conditions.. Sucrose is a dimer (a molecule or molecular complex consisting of two identical molecules linked together) of glucose and fructose molecules. 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