Sunday, May 24, 2020

Different Opinions And Ideas About The Theories Of...

In this class, we have discussed many different opinions and ideas about the theories of personalities. Of these, I have chosen to incorporate ideas from myself, McAdams, Freud, Jung, Adler, and Horney. I believe that there are seven personality types and each is displayed as a personification in a character from the Peanuts cartoons and comics. The personalities are Neuroticism, Openness to Experience and Imagination, Psychoticism, Passive Aggressive Dependency, Histrionicism, Introversion, and Extraversion. These personality types make up the world, and I believe that any single person can actually have several different personalities. It can be noted that three of the Big Five by McAdams are included in my breakdown of†¦show more content†¦Horney came up with a list of ten â€Å"needs† that Neurotic people have. These â€Å"needs† include â€Å"The Neurotic need for affection and approval† which Charlie Brown clearly shows in his worry about how oth ers view him (Hall, Lindzey, Campbell, 1998) ; â€Å"The Neurotic ambition for personal achievement† which is displayed in his over analysis of everything to try and always improve himself for personal achievement(Hall, Lindzey, Campbell, 1998) ; And â€Å"The Neurotic need for perfection and unassailability† which is again shown in his worry over his inadequacies (Hall, Lindzey, Campbell, 1998) . These negative feelings and thoughts toward everyday life lead me to believe that Charlie Brown is a near perfect personification of neuroticism. Openness to Experience and Imagination In the Peanuts comic, Linus is known as Charlie Brown s best friend and he carries around a blanket most of the time. This security blanket helps Linus be open to experiences and imagination. 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